The protocol's global governance is modest. The only global functions that may be accessible via a privileged administrative address, originally the SnowconeDAO multisig, a 9 of 14 multisig elected by SNOW members, are as follows:
SNOWProjects.setTokenUriResolver(...) enables the SNOWProjects contract owner to provide and modify the ISNOWTokenUriResolver used to resolve metadata for project NFTs in its tokenURI(...) method.
SNOWPrices.addFeedFor(...) enables the owner of the SNOWPrices contract to add additional price feeds for currency conversions. A price feed cannot be withdrawn once installed.
SNOWDirectory.setIsAllowedToSetFirstController(...) enables the SNOWDirectory contract owner to add/remove addresses that may set a project's first controller on their behalf.
SNOWETHPaymentTerminal.setFee(...) enables the owner of the SNOWETHPaymentTerminal (or any other terminal inheriting from SNOWPayoutRedemptionPayTerminal) to modify the protocol charge imposed when projects release treasury cash outside of the protocol ecosystem. Maximum cost is 5%. The
SNOWETHPaymentTerminal.setFeeGauge(...) method enables the owner of the SNOWETHPaymentTerminal (or any other terminal deriving from SNOWPayoutRedemptionPayTerminal) to modify the fee gauge used to deliver per-project fee savings.
SNOWETHPaymentTerminal.setFeelessAddress(...) Permits the owner of the SNOWETHPaymentTerminal (or any other terminal inheriting from SNOWPayoutRedemptionPayTerminal) to add/remove any other address used by other projects to/from a list of addresses to which distributed funds can be sent without incurring protocol fees, and from which funds can be added back to the project's balance without refunding held fees.
Each contract is administered individually, and the existing owner may transfer ownership to a new party.