A data source contract is a means of supplying a treasury with extensions that either supersede or expand the capabilities of the default SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.
You may utilize a data source contract to give custom data to the SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.pay(...) and/or SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.redeemTokensOf(...) transactions.
A data source receives contextual information from the transactions, from which it may extract bespoke data for the protocol to utilize to influence later pay and redeem transaction behaviors. Pay transaction context is supplied to the data source in the form of SNOWPayParamsData, while redeem transaction context is passed to the data source in the form of SNOWRedeemParamsData.
Data sources may revert on user-defined conditions, allowing for the creation of a gated treasury, maximum token supply, minimum contribution amount, etc.
A data source is responsible for defining any delegate hooks that should be executed after the main functionality of a pay(...) or redeemTokensOf(...) transaction has been properly executed.
Each ISNOWPaymentTerminal variant may use data sources in a unique manner.
The ISNOWFundingCycleDataSource interface must be adhered to by a data source.
A funding cycle may include a data source contract together with flags indicating whether the funding cycle should useDataSourceForPay or useDataSourceForRedeem. These are specified in either SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...) or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf (...).
In SNOWSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore.recordPaymentFrom(...) and SNOWSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore.recordRedemptionFor(...), a financing cycle's data source is accessed (...).
A data source grants implicit authorization to SNOWController.mintTokensFor(...) on behalf of a project.
If no data source is given in a funding cycle, or if no flags are expressly set, default protocol data will be utilized.