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@member contributionFloor The minimum contribution to qualify for this tier.
@member lockedUntil The time up to which this tier cannot be removed or paused.
@member initialQuantity The initial `remainingAllowance` value when the tier was set.
@member votingUnits The amount of voting significance to give this tier compared to others.
@memver reservedRate The number of minted tokens needed in the tier to allow for minting another reserved token.
@member reservedRateBeneficiary The beneificary of the reserved tokens for this tier.
@member encodedIPFSUri The URI to use for each token within the tier.
@member allowManualMint A flag indicating if the contract's owner can mint from this tier on demand.
@member shouldUseBeneficiaryAsDefault A flag indicating if the `reservedTokenBeneficiary` should be stored as the default beneficiary for all tiers.
struct SNOW721TierParams {
uint256 contributionFloor;
uint256 lockedUntil;
uint256 initialQuantity;
uint256 votingUnits;
uint256 reservedRate;
address reservedTokenBeneficiary;
bytes32 encodedIPFSUri;
bool allowManualMint;
bool shouldUseBeneficiaryAsDefault;