What everyone needs to know
A discount rate is a percentage configured on each funding cycle that determines by how much the subsequent cycle's weight
(i.e. exchange rate) should decrease compared to the funding cycle for which the discount rate is set.
A discount rate is only applied if a new weight
isn't explicitly set in an upcoming funding cycle reconfiguration.
A discount rate can be used to automatically decrease token issuance over time. Funding cycles with higher discountRate
s and/or shorter duration
s will have token issuance decrease faster than those with smaller discountRate
s and/or longer duration
What you'll want to know if you're building
A discount rate can be specified in a funding cycle through the SNOWCntroller.launchProjectFor(...)
or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
The reconfigurations of a project's financing cycle might vary substantially. Custom ballots may be beneficial for controlling changes. A ballot contract must implement a function that indicates whether the status of a proposed reconfiguration is active, authorized, or unsuccessful, as specified by SNOWBallotState. If a reconfiguration is not authorized by a vote, it will not be implemented. Instead, the present financing cycle will be replicated.
A ballot is a custom contract that conforms to the ISNOWFundingCycleBallot interface that may be connected to a project's funding cycles to impose constraints that proposed funding cycle reconfigurations must comply to in order to take effect.
Through the SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...) or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...) transactions, a ballot may be provided in a funding cycle.
If a ballot is active, the funding cycle's ballot redemption rate will be applied rather than its normal redemption rate.
Each Snowcone project is represented by an NFT (ERC-721), which is administered via the SNOWProjects contract. The owner of this NFT is provided during the creation of the project. The ownership of this NFT is used to enforce the necessary rights to access multiple project-related transactions. As with any other non-fungible token, ownership may be transferred from the original owner to any other address, such as a multi-signature wallet, voting contract, or burn address.
Funding cycle
A project is characterized by its financing cycles. A financing cycle specifies the time-sensitive criteria under which a project will run. The SNOWFundingCycle data structure is controlled by the
The Snowcone protocol maintains track of each project's tokens. When a payment is made to a project, the protocol mints tokens for a selected beneficiary in accordance with the funding cycle's criteria.
The SNOWTokenStore contract administers tokens. Optionally, projects may use issueFor(...) to issue an ERC-20 token representing their token. Once issued, anybody in possession of a project's tokens may get them via the protocol's internal accounting system and store them in their Web3 wallet.
Additionally, projects may contribute their own token, so long as it complies to the ISNOWToken protocol and employs 18-decimal fixed-point accounting.
During each funding cycle, the distributionLimitOf(...) property of the SNOWController contract specifies how much a project may withdraw from its treasury to distribute to its preprogrammed payment splits. Any treasury money in excess of the present distribution ceiling are deemed overflow. The community may recover a project's surplus by redeeming tokens. By connecting an ISNOWFundingCycleDataSource to its funding cycles, a project may define treasury money or assets kept outside of Snowcone contracts.
Discount rate
The weight attribute of SNOWFundingCycle data structures is automatically computed by multiplying the weight of the previous funding cycle by the discountRate of the previous cycle. The weight property may then be used to determine how many project tokens are awarded per unit of cash received during the funding cycle, or for any other functionality implemented through the data source and delegates of a funding cycle. A project may also manually modify the weight of its financing cycle.
Redemption rate
The redemptionRate metadata property of SNOWFundingCycle data structures configured via the SNOWController contract can be used to determine how much overflowing funds can be reclaimed by redeeming project tokens, or for any other functionality implemented in a funding cycle's data source and delegates.
Reserved tokens
The reservedRate metadata feature of SNOWFundingCycle data structures specified through the SNOWController contract defines the proportion of tokens created as a consequence of freshly received payments that should be reserved for distribution to preprogrammed reserved token splits.
A Split is used to deliver a percentage of a total amount to a preprogrammed address, Snowcone project, contract that inherits from ISNOWSplitAllocator, or the sender of the transaction that triggered the distribution to splits. SNOWSplit data structures are used to represent splits, which are handled by SNOWSplitsStore. A split does not include information about what is being divided; it is merely a structure that maps a receiver to a percentage and may be organized into groups.
Split allocator
A project may set splits to be routed to any contract adhering to ISNOWSplitAllocator, whose allocate(...) transaction will be invoked when tokens are dispersed.
The ballot attribute of SNOWFundingCycle data structures is the address of a contract that conforms to the ISNOWFundingCycleBallot interface. This contract outlines the requirements for any proposed financing cycle reconfiguration to take effect.
To make financing cycle modifications, a ballot contract may be constructed to include tight community voting criteria, or to simply include a needed buffer time between when a change is proposed and when it can take effect.
Payment terminal
To handle its inflows and outflows of token money, a project may be set to use any contract that conforms to ISNOWPaymentTerminal. It can configure its terminals by using SNOWDirectory.setTerminalsOf(...), and if it utilizes several tokens to handle money for the same token, it can set the principal terminal where other Web3 contracts should transfer payments by calling SNOWDirectory.setPrimaryTerminalOf (...).
Data source
The dataSource metadata attribute of SNOWFundingCycle data structures defined through the SNOWController contract is the address of a contract that complies to the ISNOWFundingCycleDataSource interface.
A data source enables projects to customize what occurs when a payment is made during a funding cycle and when a token is tried to be redeemed during a funding cycle.
When a project gets a payment, the funding cycle's data source may provide the address of a contract that conforms to ISNOWPayDelegate and whose didPay(...) transaction will be invoked once SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.pay(...) has been performed.
Likewise, when a project's tokens are being redeemed, its funding cycle's data source may provide the address of a contract that conforms to the ISNOWRedemptionDelegate, whose didRedeem(...) transaction will be invoked once SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.redeemTokensOf(...) has been completed.
Projects may use these to tailor what occurs when they receive money and when someone redeems their tokens.
NFT rewards
If a project intends to deliver NFTs of any number of tiers to addresses that contributed during a certain set of financing cycles, it may utilize the NFT Rewards delegate. If the project so wishes, these NFTs may be utilized for redemptions instead of the usual project tokens.
Addresses may authorize any other address to do certain activities on their behalf within the Snowcone ecosystem. These addresses are known as Operators, and the SNOWOperatorStore contract manages them.
A data source contract is a means of supplying a treasury with extensions that either supersede or expand the capabilities of the default SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.
You may utilize a data source contract to give custom data to the SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.pay(...) and/or SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.redeemTokensOf(...) transactions.
A data source receives contextual information from the transactions, from which it may extract bespoke data for the protocol to utilize to influence later pay and redeem transaction behaviors. Pay transaction context is supplied to the data source in the form of SNOWPayParamsData, while redeem transaction context is passed to the data source in the form of SNOWRedeemParamsData.
Data sources may revert on user-defined conditions, allowing for the creation of a gated treasury, maximum token supply, minimum contribution amount, etc.
A data source is responsible for defining any delegate hooks that should be executed after the main functionality of a pay(...) or redeemTokensOf(...) transaction has been properly executed.
Each ISNOWPaymentTerminal variant may use data sources in a unique manner.
The ISNOWFundingCycleDataSource interface must be adhered to by a data source.
A funding cycle may include a data source contract together with flags indicating whether the funding cycle should useDataSourceForPay or useDataSourceForRedeem. These are specified in either SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...) or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf (...).
In SNOWSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore.recordPaymentFrom(...) and SNOWSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore.recordRedemptionFor(...), a financing cycle's data source is accessed (...).
A data source grants implicit authorization to SNOWController.mintTokensFor(...) on behalf of a project.
If no data source is given in a funding cycle, or if no flags are expressly set, default protocol data will be utilized.
What everyone should know
A delegate contract is a mechanism for extending the default SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal functionality for a treasury.
Pay delegates contain a custom didPay(...) hook that executes after all of the default protocol pay logic in the terminal contract has been properly performed. A variety of contextual information is supplied to the hook through the SNOWDidPayData data structure.
Redemption delegates provide a custom didRedeem(...) hook that executes after the default protocol redeem logic in the terminal contract has been successfully completed. A variety of contextual information is supplied to the hook through the SNOWDidRedeemData data structure. Redemption delegates provide a custom didRedeem(...) hook that executes after the default protocol redeem logic in the terminal contract has been successfully completed. A variety of contextual information is supplied to the hook through the SNOWDidRedeemData data structure.
Each ISNOWPaymentTerminal branch might use delegates in a unique manner.
ISNOWPayDelegates and ISNOWRedemptionDelegates are both sorts of delegates. Any contract adhering to these interfaces may be used as a delegate in the financing cycles of a project.
The dataSource of the financing cycle should specify which delegated contracts to utilize.
didPay(...) is invoked in SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal. pay(...), and didRedeem(...) is invoked in SNOWPayoutRedemptionPaymentTerminal.redeemTokensOf(..). (...).
The redemption delegate hook is called prior to the distribution of monies.
What everyone needs to know
The redemption rate determines what proportion of treasury assets can be reclaimed by a token holder by redeeming their tokens.
By default, all treasury assets that are considered overflow can be reclaimed by token holders. This can be modified using data source extensions.
A project's redemption rate and extensions can be reconfigured each funding cycle.
A redemption rate of 100% is linear, meaning a holder with 1% of the token supply can redeem all of their tokens for 1% of available treasury assets.
A redemption rate of x
% where x
< 100% will leave some assets in the treasury to share between those who wait longer to redeem. The smaller the x
, the fewer assets can be reclaimed.
A project can set a different redemption rate that takes effect only when the project's current funding cycle has an active ballot.
What you'll want to know if you're building
A redemption rate can be specified in a funding cycle through the SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
A ballot redemption rate can be specified in a funding cycle through the CSNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
or CSNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
transactions, which will override the standard redemption rate if there is currently a reconfiguration ballot active.
A project can be configured to use any contract that adheres to ISNOWPaymentTerminal
to manage its inflows and outflows of token funds.
Each payment terminal can have a unique distribution limit and overflow allowance.
Each payment terminal can behave differently when it receives payments.
A project can set its terminals usingSNOWDirectory.setTerminalsOf(...)
If a project uses multiple terminals to manage funds for the same token, it can set the primary one (where other Web3 contracts should send funds to) using SNOWDirectory.setPrimaryTerminalOf(...)
To pay a project with a certain token, get its prefered payment terminal using SNOWDirectory.primaryTerminalOf(...)
. If no terminal is returned, the project is not currently accepting the specified token.
What everyone needs to know
What you'll want to know if you're building
What everyone needs to know
Projects can configure funding cycles to create rules to follow over set amounts of time.
A funding cycle's parameters can't be changed while it is in progress, but the project owner can propose reconfigurations to an upcoming cycle at any time.
Funding cycles roll over automatically. If there is a reconfiguration in place and it has been approved by the current cycle's ballot, it will be used. Otherwise, a copy of the current funding cycle will be used with an updated start
time and discounted weight
The mechanics of each project can vary dramatically depending on how its funding cycles are configured over time. Become familiar with how projects work to get a better understanding of how these decisions can be made.
What you'll want to know if you're building
A funding cycle is represented as a SNOWFundingCycle data structure.
It is possible to create funding cycles that allow for total flexibility, total rigidity, or anything in between. Flexibility can be useful for rapid experimentation and evolution, whereas rigidity can be useful for dependability and trust. Anyone can configure a project's first funding cycle alongside creating the project with a call toSNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
, and the project's owner can issue a reconfiguration to subsequent funding cycles with a call to SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
If a project has a current funding cycle, it can be found by reading from SNOWFundingCycleStore.currentOf(...)
. A project's upcoming funding cycle can be found by reading from SNOWFundingCycleStore.queuedOf(...)
. The funding cycles that carry each original configuration can be found by reading from SNOWFundingCycleStore.get(...)
. SNOWController.currentFundingCycleOf(...)
and SNOWController.queueFundingCycleOf(...)
can also be used to get a reference to the funding cycle's metadata alongside.
A funding cycle's ballot
property is useful for setting rules by which any proposed reconfiguration to subsequent cycles must adhere. This is useful for community oriented projects as it can prevent a project owner from maliciously updating an upcoming cycle's configuration moments before it begins without the broader community's consent. A funding cycle's ballot status, which is a SNOWBallotState
enumeration, can be found by reading from SNOWFundingCycleStore.currentBallotStateOf(...)
Look through theSNOWFundingCycleStore
contract for a complete list of relevant read functions, write functions, and emitted events. Several properties ofSNOWController
and SNOWSingleTokenPaymentTerminalStore
also store information relative to funding cycle configurations.
What everyone needs to know
An operator is an address that has been given permission to take one or more actions on another address's behalf.
Several functions are only available to a project's owner, or to an operator address that the project's owner has set.
Operator permissions are stored and managed in theSNOWOperatorStore
, where they can be added or revoked at any time by the address being operated on behalf of.
Operator permissions are expressed in terms of indexes defined in SNOWOperations
Operator permissions apply to a specific domain namespace, which is used in the Snowcone ecosystem to allow addresses to give permissions that only apply to a specific project (where the domain is the project's ID). A domain of 0 is a wildcard domain, giving an operator access to an action across all domains.
What you'll want to know if you're building
All permission indexes can be found inSNOWOperations
Any address can give an operator permissions to take one or more actions on its behalf by sending a transaction to SNOWOperatorStore.setOperator(...)
. To set multiple operators in the same transaction, use SNOWOperatorStore.setOperators(...)
Access can be revoked from an operator through the same operations as above by sending an array of permissions that does not include those you wish to revoke.
Permission for each operation is stored in a bit within an uint256
. If the bit is 1, the permission is enabled for the particular operator within the particular domain. Otherwise it is disabled.
and SNOWOperatorStore.hasPermissions(...)
can be used to check if an operator has a particular permission.
Operatable functionality
For each project, the following functions can only be accessed by either the address that owns the project's NFT or by operator addresses explicitly allowed by the address that owns the project's NFT. Operators are only valid in the context of a particular owner – if the NFT changes hands, the operators for the project must be set again by the new owner.
An address can set operators for its project with SNOWOperatorStore.setOperator(...)
, using the indexes from the SNOWOperations
library. An Operator's permissions depend on the specific parameters the admin allows them. Each of the following functions can be called by the admin, and also by any operator that has been granted permission to call the function by the admin.
The following transactions can be used by token holders or operator addresses explicitly allowed by the address that owns the tokens. If the tokens change hands, the operators must be set again by the new holder.
Reserved tokens enable a project to ensure that a proportion of freshly generated tokens from payments will be reserved for a predefined list of SNOWSplits.
This proportion is known as the reserved rate. Each financing cycle, the reserved rate and reserved token splits of a project may be adjusted.
Reserved token splits may be routed to addresses, the owners of other Snowcone projects, contracts that comply to the ISNOWSplitAllocator interface, or the sender of the SNOWController.distributeReservedTokensOf(...) transaction.
Reserved tokens are not immediately created when a fresh payment is made. Instead, they must be disbursed expressly within the financing cycle, which includes the applicable splits and reserved rate. If the reserved rate or splits for a funding cycle change before the allocation is dispersed, the new values will be applied.
A reserved rate can be specified in a funding cycle through the SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
Distributing currently allocated reserved tokens is done by calling SNOWController.distributeReservedTokensOf(...)
. Doing so will distribute the allocation according to the current funding cycle's reserved rate.
A project can set distribution limits from its treasury on a per funding cycle basis using SnowController.launchProjectFor(...)
and SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
. These limits are stored inSNOWController.distributionLimitOf(...)
. Any funds that are in the project's Snowcone treasury that it hasn't specified as distributable are considered overflow.
Overflow serves as a project's runway since future funding cycles can tap into it within the bounds of the preconfigured distribution limits. Overflow can also serve as a refund or rebate mechanism, where everyone's net contribution price is pushed towards zero as volume outpaces what the project needs.
By default, overflow also serves a means for allowing community members to exit with a portion of the treasury's funds in hand. Any funds in overflow are reclaimable by the project's community by redeeming community tokens along a bonding curve defined by the project's current redemption rate. Projects can override or extend this functionality using a custom data source.
Projects can manage how much money is in overflow (and therefore how much each member can exit with) either by adjusting its distribution limits or by using a custom redemption extension.
A project can set overflow allowances from its treasury on a per-funding-cycle-configuration basis within theSNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
and SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
transactions. These allowances are stored inSNOWController.overflowAllowancesOf(...)
. A project's owner can distribute the project's funds from its overflow on-demand up until the preconfigured allowance. Overflow allowances do not reset each funding cycle, they last until a new funding cycle reconfiguration takes effect.
What everyone needs to know
What you'll want to know if you're building
What everyone needs to know
What everyone needs to know
Each project within the Snowcone protocol is represented as an ERC-721 NFT.
Whoever is the owner of a project's NFT has access to admin functionality for that project within the protocol, which ultimately gives it control over the project's funds.
What you'll want to know if you're building
Projects can be created either within the context of Snowcone with a call to SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
which also configures its funding cycle properties and sets it up to receive payments, or by itself with a call to SNOWProjects.createFor(...)
. The launchProjectFor(...)
transaction calls createFor(...)
as part of its routine.
A project can accomodate arbitrary metadata for any number of domains that can be updated by the project owner at any time using the SNOWProject.setMetadataOf(...)
transaction. This can be used by clients to store a reference to metadata stored on IPFS (or anywhere else). The protocol does not define standards for this metadata. A project's current metadata for any particular domain can be found by reading from SNOWProject.metadataContentOf(...)
Look through theSNOWProjects
contract for a complete list of relevant read functions, write functions, and emitted events.
A project may maintain splits for any number of groups, including payment distributions and reserved token distributions.
A split can specify an address, a Snowcone project, a contract that adheres to the ISNOWSplitAllocator
interface, or the address that calls the transaction to distribute payouts or reserved tokens as its recipient.
By default, splits can be changed at any time for any funding cycle configuration. A project's owner can also independently lock a split to a funding cycle configuration for a customizable duration.
Splits can be set for a funding cycle configuration during the SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
or SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
transactions, or separately using SNOWSplitStore.set(...)
What everyone needs to know
What you'll want to know if you're building
What everyone needs to know
By default, all payments received by a Snowcone project are converted into tokens. These tokens are delivered to a payee-specified recipient as well as any addresses included in the project's reserved token list. The number of tokens created is proportional to the amount paid and the weight (i.e. exchange rate) of the current financing cycle for the project. Using data sources, projects may alter or enhance this default behavior.
By default, the protocol distributes tokens to receivers using SNOWTokenStore's internal accounting system. These are fungible, but do not adhere to the ERC-20 standard; consequently, they are incompatible with ecosystem ERC-20/ERC-721 marketplaces such as AMMs and Opensea. Their balances may be used to cast votes on several platforms.
Projects can issue their own ERC-20 token directly from the protocol to use as its token. Projects can also bring their own token as long as it conforms to the ISNOWToken
interface and uses 18 decimal fixed point accounting. This makes it possible to use ERC-1155's or custom tokens.
Once a project has issued a token, token holders can export tokens from the protocol's internal accounting mechanism in SNOWTokenStore
to their wallet to use across Web3. A project's owner can also force project tokens to be issued directly to the exported version. This bypasses the internal accounting mechanism, but slightly increases gas costs for transactions that requires tokens to be minted.
By default, tokens can be redeemed by holders to reclaim a portion of what's in the project's overflow. The amount of overflow claimable is determined by the redemptionRate
of the project's current funding cycle. Projects can override or extend this default behavior. Redeeming tokens burns them, shrinking the total supply.
A project owner can mint and distribute more of the project's tokens on demand. This behavior must be explicitly allowed on a per-funding cycle basis.
A project can use its tokens however it wishes. It can be purely ceremonial, used for governance, used for airdrops, or whatever.
What you'll want to know if you're building
Tokens can be minted on-demand by project owners or their operators by calling SNOWController.mintTokensOf(...)
. The ability to do so must be explicitly turned on via a funding cycle configuration metadata parameter.
Tokens can be burned on-demand by holders by calling SNOWController.burnTokensOf(...)
. The ability to do so can be turned off via a funding cycle configuration metadata parameter.
What everyone needs to know
The payment distribution splits and reserved token distribution splits of a project may be directed toward bespoke allocator contracts.
During any funding cycle setup, an allocator may be added to a project's split to automate the distribution of treasury cash and reserved project tokens.
When a split receives money, an allocator's allocation(...) transaction is initiated automatically.
What you'll want to know if you're building
An allocator contract must adhere to the ISNOWSplitsAllocator
An allocator can be specified in a split through the SNOWController.launchProjectFor(...)
, SNOWController.reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(...)
, or SNOWSplitStore.set(...)