Payment terminal

What everyone needs to know

  • A project can be configured to use any contract that adheres to ISNOWPaymentTerminal to manage its inflows and outflows of token funds.

  • Each payment terminal can have a unique distribution limit and overflow allowance.

  • Each payment terminal can behave differently when it receives payments.

What you'll want to know if you're building

  • A project can set its terminals usingSNOWDirectory.setTerminalsOf(...).

  • If a project uses multiple terminals to manage funds for the same token, it can set the primary one (where other Web3 contracts should send funds to) using SNOWDirectory.setPrimaryTerminalOf(...).

  • To pay a project with a certain token, get its prefered payment terminal using SNOWDirectory.primaryTerminalOf(...). If no terminal is returned, the project is not currently accepting the specified token.

Last updated
